About DSP Butler

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So far DSP Butler has created 2 blog entries.

It’s Hard Work to Start Therapy

I acknowledge that starting therapy requires significant work. If you are considering contacting a therapist but have not, there are some good reasons. I want to validate your ambivalence. Ideally, your first session should feel like a good massage, meaning you should feel some immediate benefit. Of course, the issues you are carrying [...]

It’s Hard Work to Start Therapy2024-06-13T14:33:36+00:00

Anxiety: Seeking Safety From the Woolly Mammoth

Anxiety, ugh. No one enjoys experiencing anxiety. Most of my patients (I would add, most people) experience anxiety. The symptoms can range from dread and worry to a panic attack. When anxiety begins to affect behavior and interferes with life, it’s time to consider therapy. Within our therapy sessions, I help you learn [...]

Anxiety: Seeking Safety From the Woolly Mammoth2024-06-13T14:34:42+00:00
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